Comp stars not available.

Svensk Amator Astronomisk Förening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) (SAAF)
Tue, 11/20/2012 - 13:47

I get no response when trying to load AAVSO comp stars. I got a message saying: "No AAVSO comp stars available. This field might not contain any AAVSO comp stars, or the AAVSO service might be unavailable".

This message pops up, whatever image I choose, also on images working ok earlier. The problem started around 0000UTC nov20.

Is there a server sleeping somewhere?

Best regards,

Tomas Wikander

Norwegian Astronomical Society, Variable Star Section (NAS)
Comp stars not available

Yes, looks like one of the AAVSO servers is taking a nap. I'll contact HQ ...


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Lack of Comp Stars...

Hello Folks:

"But, these little set-backs are just what we need to take a giant step forward. Right, Kent?"
-Chris Knight
Real Genius

The problems with the lack of comp stars in VPhot turned out to be a problem with the PepLink Load Balancer.  It was not allowing Mira, here at HQ, to talk to the DB. I'm still looking into the issue, but taking the load balancer out of the network, temporarily, solved our issue.

What this enabled us to find was that VPhot was getting photometry by going to a program on Mira. Mira, normally, would then talk to the DB on Cirrus in the Amazon Cloud and all would be well. This morning Mira and Cirrus were fighting and so comp stars for VPhot ended up being a casualty.

The best fix was to change the URL in VPhot for getting photometric data to get it not from Mira, but from Cirrus were the DB was. Because this enables most of the network traffic to remain internal to the Amazon Cloud, we looking at seeing a small performance boost from VPhot now!

Hopefully everyone now will have a good Thanksgiving! (Offer good in USA only. Everyone else have a great Thursday/Friday/Weekend anyway!!)
Doc Kinne
AAVSO Astronomical Technologist