JAAVSO v11n1

Volume 11 Number 1 1982
1 The 32-YEAR Cycle in Algol
Anthony D. Mallama
  abstract pdf  
10 A Computer Program to Reduce Photometric Data
Clifford Cunningham, Murray Kaitting
  abstract pdf  
17 Spurious Periods and the Case of El-Comae
Johathan Wheatley
  abstract pdf  
21 A Photoelectric Lightcurve of Ah-Cephei
Patrick Hartigan, Richard P. Binzel
  abstract pdf  
25 Does S1910 Vary
Dorrit Hoffleit
  abstract pdf  
27 The Decreasing Periods of R-Aquilae and R-Hydrae
Michael S. Davis
  abstract pdf  
35 Aw-Sagittarii - a Neglected Variable
Wendy Banta Davie
  abstract pdf  
37 Photometry of Betelgeuse from 1981OCT to 1982MAR
Kevin L. Krisciunas
  abstract pdf  
40 An International Professional / Amateur Photometric Campaign on Be-Stars
John R. Percy
  abstract pdf  
41 Common and Elite Variables - then and now
Dorrit Hoffleit
  abstract pdf  
42 Some Thoughts on the Analysis and Interpretation of Lightcurves - Part Two - Periodicities
Lee Anne Willson
  abstract pdf  
43 Horizons Beyond Sol
Kenneth C. Beckmann
  abstract pdf  
43 The Need for Observations of SS433 B1343-AQUILAE
Roger S. Kolman
  abstract pdf  
44 Letter to the Editor: "When is a Variable Really a Variable Star?"
Karen J. Meech
  abstract pdf  
46 Book Review: Observing Visual Double Stars
Glenn S. Chaple, Jr.
  abstract pdf  
47 Book Review: Photoelectric Photometry of Variable Stars
Howard Landis
  abstract pdf  
48 Minutes of the General Meeting of the AAVSO, held in Milwaukee, WI April 30 - May 1, 1982
Clinton B. Ford
  abstract pdf  
52 Committee Reports
Classical Cepheid,Thomas A. Cragg, Eclipsing Binary,Marvin E. Baldwin, Nova Search,Carmine V. Borzelli, Photoelectric Photometry,Howard Landis, RR Lyrae,Marvin E. Baldwin, Solar Division,Robert B. Ammons, Telescope Load,Charles E. Scovil
  abstract pdf  
55 Treasurer's Report: October 1, 1981 - March 31, 1982
Theodore H. N. Wales
  abstract pdf  