I recently measured V Lyr and noticed what appears to be a missing star, 3UC 240-15811. The nearby comparison star I am using is AID 000-BCF-469 Label 137. I can get down to about 16th mag and should be able to see 3UC 240-15811 which is rated at 13.69. Other may wish to have a look.
Robin Riordan RROA
Fri, 05/18/2012 - 00:00
Other catalogs list this as a 17th mag object. It doesn't look red enough for a flare star. This may be a glitch in UCAC3.
Thanks for the reply Patrick.
On the AAVSO star chart for V Lyr there is a star plotted near Label 13.7 that appears to have a magnitude of about 13.5.
This is a clip of the V Lyr chart. V Lyr is the variable star. The line points to the suspect star.
This is my image
Could the AAVSO chart be wrong?