Links on the Observing Campaign Pages are bad

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 15:04

I just noticed that many of the links on the Observing Campaigns page either fail or just refer back to the page itself.  Can someone take a look at this?  It makes it kind of difficult to participate in a campaign. :D



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Bad Links on the Observing Campaign Pages Fixed

I checked every link on the Observing Campaigns page just now (Friday evening 8/10/12) and fixed the few that had not made the transition to the cloud - there was primarily one campaign that had dodgy links. All links should be working now. If you find something that still does not work, please let me know directly at Many thanks, and good observing!  Elizabeth

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Links and observing campaign

Hi:  I know that it is difficult to maintain order.  I sometimes have taken a stand on trying to keep our organization on the straight and narrow.  Finding things not right makes one an old bitty who complains constantly.  Also, it fuels word wars. I don't know what the answer is concerning this matter.   Withdraw and let people learn from life.  Thanks for being nice enough to thank people  for pointing out errors which need to be fixed. 

Thank you so much

Thank you so much Matt and Elizabeth for correcting the links.  I hope that my little note was not seen as "complaining".  I tried to keep it light with the liitle smiley face :).  The AAVSO has a rich and complex website and I fully realize that not everything will be perfect all the time.  The staff does a great job maintaining such high quality on the website and I thank everyone for their efforts.

All the best,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Broken links fixed

Thanks, Tim.   It's not complaining at all to let us know something is broken - there are too many links for us to monitor constantly and broken links are useless, so you are helping us out if you find something and report it. Clear skies! Elizabeth