Light curve from TESS data

Mon, 11/07/2022 - 11:58

Hello all,

I wanted to show this light curve that I obtained analyzing with python package (lightkurve), a Tess target star (TIC 218087298) .

The three images are respectively:

the light curve of the whole series:



A zoom of the first light curve:


the light curve phased on the period 0.409 (days) find by periodogram function of lightkurve


I didn't find this star in the AAVSO VSX database, and on Simbad it is classified as T Tauri, while the light curve does not seem to me to be the same to those I have seen for the T Tauri.

Honestly I don't know if it is something worthy of note or to report and I would like some help.

Is there a more specific topic to post these questions?

