I did a BVRI run on KIC 08462853 last night and tried to run the data through TA. WHen I clicked the Process button, I got themessage "Cannot find target (KIC 08462852) in VSX". I wrote Elizabeth Waagen and she stated this stgar went into VSX yesterday under both KIC 08462853 nd KIC 8462853.
Is anyone else having this issue or know what may be wrong here?
Keith Grtaham
Hi Keith,
>>> I did a BVRI run on KIC 08462853 last night and tried to run the data through TA. WHen I clicked the Process button, I got themessage "Cannot find target (KIC 08462852) in VSX". I wrote Elizabeth Waagen and she stated this stgar went into VSX yesterday under both KIC 08462853 nd KIC 8462853. <<<
You are mixing two different identifiers in your own post, KIC 08462852 and KIC 08462853. Are you sure you used the correct one?
The leading zero issue was corrected yesterday.
Are you putting in the correct number? In your message you have the designation as KIC 08462853 instead of the correct KIC 08462852.
Apparently VSX does not like that "0". Using the name KIC 8462853 brought success.
TA does not appear to search for alternate names in VSX when looking up a star, but requires that you use the primary name. (That was Keith's situation with the KIC star.) If your star name is rejected by TA, try doing a search in VSX for it, and see what the primary name is, and then use that.
Good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen