I downloaded via FTP the images from AAVSOnet not showed in my VPhot account. When I tried to upload them from VPhot, after upload, no images are present.
Could anyone help me?
Attached a sample image.
Thanks in advance,
Carlo Gualdoni (GCO)
Tue, 06/28/2011 - 17:28
Hi Carlo,
I've had a look at the server logs, and I can see that one image was uploaded today (3C 232 LEO-Clear-S001-R001-3-20100103.fts).
The strange thing is that everything looks fine, no error messages or anything, but the image is simply not in the database. Do you regularly delete your images, if so could it have been deleted by accident?
I uploaded the image again from the backup on the server (we keep copies of all incoming images for a couple of days). This time it was properly registered, and it is in your image list.
Please try to upload one more image, check the server by cliking the 'View Server Processing Queue' link under the 'Upload' menu. Once processed return to the image list and click the 'Refresh' button. Let me know if the image is still not there.
Hi Geir,
thanks for your reply.
If I upload an image like 3C 232 LEO-Clear-S001-R001-3-20100103.fts, I don't have a problem, the image is correctly uploaded, but if I try to upload an image from AAVSOnet like "nsvs_0421121_sro_v_100201_0153.fts.bz2", after the upload the image doesn't appear in the database.
There definitely seems to be a problem with upload. I've tried three times now to upload 15-20 images for RS Sge from 6/26 thru 6/28 and nothing shows up. I have also tried to upload images for other days in the last week and only about 30% actually end up being loaded.
- Jerry
Hi Jerry,
You have 28 images of RS Sge in your account for that period, taken with three different telescopes. Are these the images you are looking for, or are there more?
If there should be more images than this, can you please give me the file name of one of them and I will check the server logs for clues as to what has gone wrong.
Yes, there should be about 15 more images from my LX200 telescope for that period.
I was wondering if the filenames I upload, need to be unique. That wasn't the case in some of the images I uploaded over the past several days.
- Jerry
No, file names need not be unique.
Which files are missing (fiename that is)?
You can also check how your upload is doing; after your upload is finished, go to 'Upload' and then 'View Server Processing Queue'. You should see your images in the queue, and being processed one by one. That verifies that they have at least been uploaded.
After being processed you should see them in your image list (after clicking the 'Refresh' button), but something is obviously going wrong somewhere.
The files should be of the format: RS_Sge-sumX5a where "X" is a filter: BVRI.
I will try to upload again later tonight and check the processing queue to see what is happening.
Thanks for your help
- Jerry
I was able to verify the upload function and queue operates as follows:
1) If two files with unique filenames are uploaded, one right after the other (e.g. RS_Sge-0627_V30a.fit and RS_Sge-0628_V30a.fit), the first file shows up under currently processing and the other file is in the queue. Both files are processed normally and end up in the VPHOT list as expected.
2) If two files with the same filename (e.g. RS_Sge_V30a.fit, but from different nights) are uploaded, one after the other, one file shows up under currently processing and the other is in the queue. When the first file finishes processing, both filenames disappear from the queue display and nothing is loaded into the VPHOT list.
3) If two files with same filename (e.g. RS_Sge_V30a.fit, but from different nights)are uploaded, but the first file is allowed to complete processing before the other is uploaded, both files are processed normally and both end up in the VPHOT list.
So I am not sure if this is how you intended things to work, but the easiest workaround for now is just to insure each filename being uploaded is unique.
- Jerry
Thanks! We'll done spotting that. I will put this issue on my todo list. Geir