Hi all- I'm Rob, an exoplanet astronomer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. I am the project lead of Exoplanet Watch (https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exoplanet-watch/), a citizen science effort to observe transiting exoplanets with small telescopes. We recently published a paper on the capabilities of small telescopes here: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020PASP..132e4401Z/abstract
We published this paper as we wanted to showcase all of the awesome work that small telescopes can contribute to transiting exoplanets. Right now, we are in our beta testing phase and are hoping to officially launch in September 2020. We have been working with Dennis Conti and Stella Kafka on collaborating with the AAVSO Exoplanet Section and they have graciously offered us to use their Database to help our efforts.
If you are interested in joining, please send me an email at exoplanetwatch@jpl.nasa.gov. We have our own data reduction pipeline called EXOTIC (github.com/rzellem/EXOTIC) and are looking for feedback on testing it as well. However, you are more than welcome to use whatever data reduction tools you want (as long as you adhere to the requirements of the AAVSO Exoplanet Database format).
Looking forward to working with all of you!