JAAVSO v22n1





Volume 22 Number 1 1993
2 Calibration of Hipparcos Long Period Variable Star Fields Using Multi-Color CCD Observations
Steve B. Howell, Janet A. Mattei, Priscilla J. Benson
  abstract pdf  
12 Performance of Commercial CCD Cameras When coupled to Small Telescopes (3-12 Inch)
Gary Walker
  abstract pdf  
22 ICC CCD Camera Project: Motivation, Design, and Status
Ethan VanMatre
  abstract pdf  
29 Obtaining Successful CCD Light Curves of Faint Cataclysmic Variables
Paula Szkody
  abstract pdf  
35 CCD Photometry of Variable Stars in a Sophomore Level Astronomy Laboratory
Horace A. Smith
  abstract pdf  
39 Digital Imaging in the Introductory Astronomy Course
Laurence A. Marschall, Michael B. Hayden
  abstract pdf  
47 Light Curves from the AAVSO International Database
Janet A. Mattei
  abstract pdf  
55 Rapid Variability of Quasars
Andreas Quirrenbach
  abstract pdf  
64 The Period and Color of V666 Cassiopeiae
Daniel H. Kaiser, David B. Williams, Marvin E. Baldwin
  abstract pdf  
69 Revision of the Periods of LO Aurigae and VX Ursae Majoris
Corinne M. Carter
  abstract pdf  
73 CCD Photometry of IV Geminorum
Deborah Gelch, Priscilla J. Benson
  abstract pdf  
78 Using Computer Simulations with Variable Star Data
Charles A. Whitney
  abstract pdf  
83 Helen Sawyer Hogg, 1905-1993
Christine Clement
  abstract pdf  