JAAVSO v21n2





Volume 21 Number 2 1992
81 The Unusual Cataclysmic Variable S193
Peter M. Garnavich, Paula Szkody
  abstract pdf  
86 Period Changes in RV Tauri Stars: Observations and Simulations
John R. Percy, Alexandra Csatary, Ingrid Zorgdrager
  abstract pdf  
93 Dwarf Cepheid Variable Stars: A Study of CY Aquari
Chris Dolan, Robin Tripoli, Jim Houck
  abstract pdf  
99 The Maria Mitchell Observatory Plate Collection
Eileen D. Friel
  abstract pdf  
101 The Light Curve of CI Cygni 1967-1992
S. Tania Ruiz
  abstract pdf  
104 Photographic Studies of Neglected Variables, 1: TW, CG, DZ, and NU Puppis
David B. Williams
  abstract pdf  
111 A Period Update for Five Eclipsing Binary Stars - SS Ari, TY Boo, DF Hya, Z Lep, and TY UMa
Gerard Samolyk
  abstract pdf  
119 Possible Large Intrinsic Variability in the Short Period Eclipsing Binary RS Scuti
Stephen P. Cook
  abstract pdf  
127 Observing Eclipsing Binaries
Marvin E. Baldwin
  abstract pdf  
129 A 1992 Eclipse Timing of the Long Period (5.61 Years) Eclipsing Binary EE Cephei
Edward A. Halbach
  abstract pdf  
134 Exploring Stellar Atmospheres with a Desktop Computer
Charles A. Whitney
  abstract pdf  
137 From Archives to Analysis: Computers Redefine the AAVSO Mission
Grant Foster
  abstract pdf  
144 Clinton Banker Ford, 1913-1992
Dorrit Hoffleit
  abstract pdf  
147 Annie and the Stars of Many Colors: Video Portrait of Astronomer Annie Jump Cannon
Barbara Welther, Alex Griswold
  abstract pdf  
151 The Selector of Highlights: A Brief Biographical Sketch of Harlow Shapley
Dorrit Hoffleit
  abstract pdf  