JAAVSO v21n1





Volume 21 Number 1 1992
4 Student Projects with CCDs
Priscilla J. Benson
  abstract pdf  
6 Asteroid Observations with CCDs
Stephen J. Ratcliff
  abstract pdf  
16 CCD Observations of Short-Period Variables at Middlebury College
Stephen J. Ratcliff, Jeffrey M. Collins
  abstract pdf  
23 Longterm AAVSO Observations of the Symbiotic System Ch Cygni
Margarita Karovska, Janet A. Mattei
  abstract pdf  
29 Photoelectric and Visual Observations of X Persei
John R. Percy
  abstract pdf  
34 CW Cas - A Period Update
Gerry Samolyk
  abstract pdf  
36 Using the Hubble Space Telescope for Variable Star Observations
Albert V. Holm
  abstract pdf  
42 Three-Color Narrow-Band Photoelectric Photometry of Red Variables
Robert F. Wing
  abstract pdf  
48 The Keck Northeast Astronomy Consortium's CCD Supernova Monitoring Project
William Herbst, Charles Ford, Gregory Vinton, Thomas Balonek, Priscilla Benson, Stephen Ratcliff, Fred Chromey, Elizabeth Bonar
  abstract pdf  
52 Recent Studies in Supernova Rates
Robert O. Evans
  abstract pdf  
55 Wanted: Astrometric and Photometric Observations of Gamma Virginis and Zeta Herculis
Dorritt Hoffleit
  abstract pdf  
60 A Gazebo Observatory
Gus Waffen
  abstract pdf  