JAAVSO v18n1

Volume 18 Number 1 1989
1 SAO 38830, A New Eclipsing Binary in Perseus
Marvin E. Baldwin, Daniel H. Kaiser
  abstract pdf  
3 A New Mira Variable for AAVSO Observers
Daniel H. Kaiser, Marvin E. Baldwin
  abstract pdf  
7 A Possible Secondary Minimum of the Long-Period Eclipsing Binary OW GEM (NSV 3005)
David B. Williams
  abstract pdf  
10 Revised Elements. II. SV Virginis, BZ Virginis, SW Hydrae, X Arae, BQ Pavonis, and V865 Aquilae
Margaret G. Lysaght
  abstract pdf  
17 Revised Elements. III. UZ Persei, V Lyncis, X Octantis, T Muscae, SZ Arae, and GY Aquilae
Margaret G. Lysaght
  abstract pdf  
28 Revised Elements. IV. R Pyxidis, RT Velorum, V Microscopii, WW Aquarii, RT Aquarii, and RT Octantis
Margaret G. Lysaght
  abstract pdf  
36 On The Variability of 27 Cygni
Nancy Remage Evans, John R. Percy
  abstract pdf  
39 The Periods of TY and TZ Canes Venatici
Lauren V. Jones
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43 A Refinement of Linear Elements for EL Comae Berenices
Jennifer Hunt Burger
  abstract pdf  
45 V794 Sagittarii, An RV Tauri Star with Unequal Maxima
Amy Jean Lovell
  abstract pdf  
49 Photoelectric Photometry of V Cephei
George Fortier
  abstract pdf  
52 A Method for Transferring Photoelectric Photometry Data from Apple II+ to IBM PC
Harry D. Powell, James R. Miller, Kipp Stephenson
  abstract pdf  
55 Precision of Parabolic Elements
Emilia P. Belserene
  abstract pdf  
63 Shakespeare and the Northernmost Cepheid
Steven D. Kawaler, Dorrit Hoffleitb
  abstract pdf  
65 Comparing the March 1989 Sunspot Group With Other Great Groups of the Past
Peter O. Taylor
  abstract pdf  
70 Report on Meetings with Hipparcos Input Catalogue Team On AAVSO Data Support of Hipparcos Observations of Long Period Variable Stars
Janet A Mattei
  abstract pdf  
72 Variable Star Astronomy in Hungary: A Progress Report
John W. Griese, III
  abstract pdf  
74 An Evening with Herb Luft
Michael Mattei, Janet A. Mattei
  abstract pdf  
78 Harvard's First High-Altitude Station
Barbara L. Welther
  abstract pdf  
83 Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 78th Spring Meeting of the AAVSO held in Williamsburg, VA May 5-6, 1989
  abstract pdf  
86 Minutes of the Membership Meeting of the 78th Spring Meeting of the AAVSO held in Williamsburg, VA May 4, 1989
Clinton B. Ford
  abstract pdf  
89 Committee Reports
Classical Cepheid,Thomas A. Cragg, New Chart,Clinton B. Ford, Eclipsing Binary,Marvin E. Baldwin, Nova Search,Rev. Kenneth C. Beckmann, Photoelectric Photometry,Howard J. Landis, RR Lyrae,Marvin E. Baldwin, Solar Division,Peter O. Taylor, Supernova Search,Rev. Robert O. Evans, Telescope,Charles E. Scovil
  abstract pdf  
95 Treasurer's Report: October 1, 1988, to March 31, 1989
Theodore H. N. Wales
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