Displaying VSP in decent redlight for tablet computers?

Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Veränderliche Sterne e.V.(Germany) (BAV)
Tue, 09/01/2020 - 07:35


i was talking with an visual observer, that i have the VSP charts on my tablet computer with the lowest displaylight... (I do not print them all (-; )

How about a button for the VSP website, to show it in a decent red light? like


or the night mode in Stellarium...

...for the dark eye adaption?

kindly wbea

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Red screen control for latest and older iPhone/iPad

Written for my astronomy classes & ATMoB members...
This one-time procedure allows use your device outside at night without destroying your eyesight's dark adaptation or annoying your fellow stargazers.
After setup, you can toggle it ON; EVERY screen will be red until you toggle it OFF.

1. On either your iPhone or iPad, open the Settings app.
a. Latest iOS versions: tap Accessibility then Display & Text Size.
b. Older iOS: tap General then Accessibility then Display Accommodations.

2. Find and tap Color Filters. You should see a screen of colored pencils.
Slide the Color Filters switch to the right (ON).

3. Scroll down the same screen and tap Color Tint to check it.

4. Just below, move the INTENSITY and HUE sliders fully to the right.
You should now have a reddish screen.

5. At the top left, tap < Back twice, returning to the Accessibility screen.

6. Find and tap Accessibility Shortcut. Tap Color Filters to mark it checked.

7. Exit the Settings app.

Thereafter, whenever you triple-click the device HOME button, you see the Accessibility Shortcuts popup, and you can toggle Color Filters on or off.
Alternative: Swipe the screen UP for iOS Control Center, then tap the accessibility icon (human figure in circle) to get the Accessibility Shortcuts popup.

Red screen persists safely through apps, locks, notifications and phone calls. You may find that some astronomy apps with “Night Mode” work better with that in addition to iOS red screen, particularly for in-app keyboard work.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
I'd actually like to see an…

I'd actually like to see an option to invert the chart colors. 

White on black is fine when you are printing charts, but on digital devices I'd rather see white on black. 

Even with a red filter on the screen, a full page of white is VERY bright and destroys my night vision.

For now I save all the charts as an image and then invert them with a utility and then re-save them so I can view them on my tablet. 

Seems like extra steps which could simply be done with an "invert" option in VSP.