The AAVSO received this report on March 3 - can anyone confirm Alexandr's observation?
"On March 2, 2013 (2456354.375 JD), through the monocular 20/60 mm, I
observed a possible outbreak of a variable star V529 Ori (10 m)
(Hevelius star). Сlouds prevent to verify it. If it's really V529 Ori,
then period between outbreaks ~ 115-117 years. Please verify it.
"Alexandr S. Maidik (Maidik Observatory, 104 Lenin str., Novotroitske,
Volnovasky raion, Donetska region, 85732, Ukraine)"
Thank you and good observing - Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
I've been watching the area of V529 Ori since 1970. The observations results are negative. The latest observations are: 2456348.243 (Moon), 2456349.180 (haze), 2456350.250 (Moon), 2456351.243 (Moon, haze), 2456352.263 (haze). On March 2th (2456354.375) (haze) I observed faint object which is probably V529 Ori. However, on March 4th (2456356.340) (haze), object was not found.
Alexandr S. Maidik
Checked v529 ori 03/05/2013 (00h 13m UT) <13.4 visual.