At the Spring Meeting, Arne mentioned to a few folks that he was putting together a certification "exam" that we mere mortals could attempt, in order to gauge the effectiveness and accuracy of our observing technique. I know Arne must be busy with the CCD course and a 1000 other things, but I was wondering if any progress had been made on such a certification process for the AAVSO?
Thu, 07/05/2012 - 14:59
What specific questions do you have with regard to your observing technique?
We may be able to address some (many?) of them before the exam/certification process is formalized and available.
I don't have any specific questions, it is more along the lines of "I don't know, what I don't know." I think my photometry technique is pretty good, I've calibrated my setup, and know the transform coefficients, and I seem to get fairly consistent results.
But it would be good to get some sort of independent assessment of things, so I can improve on my ability to do science.
I'd be happy to look over what you're doing. We can do it privately, or on this forum.
I prefer a bottom-up approach...the same way I like to work on level things first, and then add the next layer, and so on. That starts with things like individual calibration and light frames, then master calibration frames and calibrated light frames...and eventually works up to transform coeff's, automation software, and choice of science projects.