A new observing campaign on the Z Cam-type cataclysmic variable AH Her is announced in AAVSO Alert Notice 483. V photometry, visual observations, and spectroscopy are requested. The PI is Dr. Juan Echevarria of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. AH Her has not been behaving normally for a long time and AAVSO observations are CRUCIAL to the success of this ground-based photometry/spectroscopy campaign.
Many thanks and good observing - Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
The AH Her campaign is underway - the astronomers are carrying out both
optical and spectroscopic observations - and your observations are very
important. AH Her may have just reached minimum, but it is impossible to
be sure because of its recent extremely erratic behavior. Please see
AAVSO Alert Notice 483 for details and instructions.
Sincere thanks to all of you who are following AH Her - PLEASE continue,
nightly if at all possible, so we will have a good idea of what is really
happening with AH Her. If you haven't been observing AH Her, please add
it to your nightly program if possible! The campaign continues through
June 18 (continue your observations through the end of June).
Many thanks and good observing - Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
These days are critical for observations of AH Her - please try to observe it and report your observations to the AAVSO International Database. The astronomers really need to see how the minimum interval evolves optically and when the minimum actually occurs, particularly because AH Her is behaving erratically, for correlation with their spectroscopic and optical data. AAVSO Alert Notice 483 has details.
Many thanks and good observing - Elizabeth Waagen