Bright Star Monitor, Texas site

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 06/30/2020 - 17:44

I watched the Bright Star Monitor Webinar this past Saturday...was very good.  Saw images of the Texas site with the large condominium sheds.  I was wondering if I could get some more information about, materials, estimated costs.  I work for a small university in Texas...we may have the ability soon to build something soon.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Dark Sky Observatories

Hi Michael,

The DSO buildings are commercially built from Backyard Observatories:

You can check with Preston Starr for more details:

The rolloff at Bill Stein's place, which has BSM_NM and APASS under its roof, is also a BYO product.  Most of New Mexico Skies uses BYO.  They pretty much have the commercial roll-off market cornered.

Skyshed has plans for some small rolloffs that might be useful:

Gary Walker has a neat "rollup" observatory that we are using for some BSM installations, such as BSM_Hamren and BSM_NH.  It works extremely well for a single telescope, but would not be effective for a condominum arrangement.

Good luck with your plans!
