Baader J/C and Sloan filters

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 03/21/2022 - 19:55

Hi All,

Was wondering if anyone has yet to review the new Baader J/C or Sloan filters?  Im just getting into Photometry and want to practice with some filters and with all the confusion with filters going on right now, I dont mind waiting until the dust settles to buy.  But I would like to get something that I can practice with and learn. Not afraid getting into calculations, and actually looking forward to it.  My filtersdrawer is 2 in mounted.  I dont know if I should spent the $700 for a Chroma Johnson V, or if I can use a G filter to practice until the dust settles, or will the Baaders be a good permanet, and much cheaper option?   Im just starting out, read a couple books and AAVSO guide on photometry, got an idea why the filters are used, but  need to put things in practice to get a better understanding.  Again I dont mind waiting for the filter debate and supply to settle, my goal is to just get learning at the least expensive price.  Thanks in advance!



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Re: Baader J/C and Sloan filters

I too would love to learn from a fellow amateur astronomer who would be willing to share experiences on this matter and propose a feasible path for beginners to learn about astrophotometry, while avoiding the expenditure of buying a filter that might prove not to be the best choice for the future in this activity.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
I have the latest Baader…

I have the latest Baader filters. And I'm currently in the Photometry class. I'll let you know my results as I develop them!