I've received my Baader Photometric Filters last winter and the weather is improving so I'm getting my gear ready. My intent was to use the ASI294MM but there are many no amp glow options now. Is anybody using the ASI294MM. I understand that with appropriate calibration frames it should work well.
I have used this camera for photometry since May 2023. My setup is probably quite different from that used by most observers. I obtain non-transformed data through a V filter (Tv_bv is about 0.054) and a 200mm f/2.8 L Canon lens. The targets are southern eclipsing binaries of 10th mag and brighter, and the data are time series, one star imaged over several hours each night. You won't see light curves in the LCG because I submit the data to Variable Stars South, and don't submit to the AAVSO because I use bespoke comparison star sequences (i.e., not AAVSO sequences). If you wish to message me privately I would be happy to send you examples of light curves and any other info you wish.
The camera is set to what I believe is called by ZWO "unlocked bin 1 mode", which just seems to me to be unbinned, 1x1. The reason for this is to avoid saturated pixels in binned mode, because in this mode the pixels in each bin are just averaged. There is amp glow, but none of it appears in the images because I use ROI (Region of Inerest) set to 1/2. In any case, I callibrate the images, currently using flats, bias frames and scaled darks. The camera is controlled by Astrophotography Tool (APT).
What is the brightest…
What is the brightest magnitude stars can you study with your system? What is the full well depth in unbinned (bin 1) mode?
My brightest targets are Mag 7 (V), with a Hoya ND4 filter, exposure 20 or 25 seconds for in-focus images. Slight defocus would help to enable use of a longer exposure time. For full well, check the specs online, but I think at gain 0 (egain 3.99 e-/ADU for my camera) it is quoted as about 14.4K.