Annual Campaign...donate today!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 04/07/2016 - 16:00

Hi Everyone,

Responding to a challenge that President Larsen put forward to the Council to make a contribution to the AAVSO Annual Campaign, I stepped up to the plate and made a contribution this morning.  I am sure the rest of Council will do likewise, each to their ability to contribute, and I hope you all will consider doing similarly.

An organization like AAVSO depends on the comitted support of those who truly value and enjoy the programs and fellowship that membership in AAVSO can bring.  Not only does a contribution to the Annual Campaign help ensure AAVSO's long-term future, it gives you a tax deduction and makes you a direct supporter of the organization you know and love!

To make a contribution go to the 'Donate Now' button on the home page and select the 'Annual Campaign' from the pull down option for where you contribution will go.  

Let's make this annual campaign a true success with more than 50% participation (or higher!)...all for one and one for all...!

Clear and dark skies to you all!

Kevin B. Marvel, VP


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Count me in!

Thanks for starting this thread Kevin! I just send my contribution to the annual campaign. Any amount counts and supports our association!


Best wishes - clear skies,
