AF Andromedae

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 05/09/2017 - 14:52

There are some reports that AF Andromedae (in M31 -- 00 43 33.08 +41 12 10.3) has brightned and maybe in an S Doradus type LBV outburst.  This is maybe supported by photometry I have myself from last September.  We need clear confirmation to make a report.

The sun angle on it right now (May 9) is terrible and getting better.  It is around 20 degrees above the horizon in the morning at the start of twilight.  But I know some of you are able to go all the way to the horizon with your scopes.  So on the off chance that someone can get images (in two or more filters) or spectra, they could be useful.  Spectra would be especially useful since the spectrum of an LBV changes in distict ways during a true eruption.

I'm going to also post this over in the spectroscopy forum.

If you get images or spectra, I'd love to see them.  Contact me through the forum or