The 2014 Annual Campaign

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 05/01/2014 - 17:42

Today is the first day of the first AAVSO Annual Campaign. Our goal is to raise $30,000 to maintain, improve and expand on the tools, programs and services we provide to our members and the astronomical community. We've done a lot of pre-launch organizing and fundraising, and already have $13,000 in donations and pledges. You can help us reach our goal by making a donation to the AAVSO today. 

You can mail a check to AAVSO headquarters, or you can make a donation online. Just click the Donate Now button on our home page and select Annual Campaign in the drop down menu.

 Thank you for your support!

Make checks payable to AAVSO, and mail them to:
49 Bay State Rd.
Cambridge, MA 02138