Instrumentation and Equipment

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For discussions on all aspects of equipment, from building new devices from scratch, to what ready made products are the best for your current setup. Attached the "Instrumentation and Equipment" observing section.

165 1183 By Andrew Pearce 5 months 1 week ago

B, R and I magnitudes

Cledison Marco… Mon, 05/22/2023 - 19:50

Hello everybody. I will monitor two stars in Lup in B, V, R and I and from what I can see the AAVSO tables are only giving the V magnitude and color index of the star. Do you suggest, or do you think it's worth using the values ​​of B, R and I from Simbad, or Vizier? Is there any method for these values ​​to appear in the photometry table?

Thank you so much.

V & B? Or V & Ic?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
arimsiqueira Sat, 05/13/2023 - 11:54


Risking being repetitive, let me ask you all a simple question, please:

If a group of amateurs assembling a minimalist setup for variable star photometry in general, from O-B stars to red giants, were to choose between V & B, and V & Ic J-C filters, which one would be a more sensible option? 

I see experienced people indicating either one but I never learned the rationale subjacent to this subject.

Thank you for any comments.


Camera and filters recommendations!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
iramirez.tcc Fri, 05/05/2023 - 17:06

Hello everyone,

I have a budget of 10,000$ to purchase a telescope and accessories for training students at my institution (a local community college in Tacoma WA, USA). I've been researching here and there, but would love to hear some recommendations from y'all experienced observers. We have access to a professional observatory ~3 hrs from our location so this equipment would be for training in CCD data collection and processing; we need to be able to easily travel to nearby locations.

Not all ADUs are made the same

SycamoreCanyon… Thu, 04/20/2023 - 00:47

When buying a CCD camera (yes, I am still using a CCD)... the focus is on stats like full-well-capacity, quantum efficiency, dark current, readout noise, dynamic range, ADC count (16 bit or less), and linearity.

The CCD chip is what it is.  The chip is as good as e2v (or other manufacuturer) provides for the particular model and class you buy.

ZWO Seestar S50 tiny robotic "smart" telescope

British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Bikeman Fri, 04/14/2023 - 14:33

ZWO has just begun to offer this tiny thingy:

I guess technically it best compares to the "Vespera observation station" by Vaonis, but at a much, much more aggressive price point.  (Same sensor, same 50mm aperture, also under 5kg weight, alt-az tripod mount, smart phone user interface ...)




NINA to be used for variable stars observations for about 20 to 30 stars a night

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
hambsch Sat, 03/04/2023 - 20:14


I wanted to use NINA to replace my aging software suite (MAXIM, CCDCommander) and I am a dedicated variable star observer with a remote site in Chile (but also at home in Belgium).

I would like to see anadvanced sequence in NINA where three stars are observed in snapshot mode (2 images in three (BVI) filters), then 4h of three stars in a series in one filter where  every 1h a plate solving is done, then again 3 stars in snapshots, then again 4h of three stars in one filter with every hour a plate solving. At the end again three stars with snapshot mode.

Equipment from scratch...

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
JV Wed, 03/01/2023 - 07:25

Hi all!

I'm thinking of starting photometric measurements in the near future, though I have no telescope nor any equipment at all really...

I have recently done a course on observational astronomy (with spectrum/polarization observations) and I'm finishing a bachelors degree in physics/astronomy. I work in an other field, so this is just more of a hobby at the moment.