Custom FOV Overlays

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 10/05/2019 - 14:58

I just made this custom FOV overlay for use with AAVSO 15 degree FOV charts. It imparts a 6.5 degree FOV onto the charts which is one of my binocular's FOV. I used tracing paper. I or you should be able to make them for any chart and insterment combonation (within reason).

I have been using something very simiular to this for a long time with my Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas.


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Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
Good idea

I use it anymore but I used to draw it on the chart.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
With having the FOV(s) on

With having the FOV(s) on tracing paper you keep your charts pristine and you can move your FOV(s) around. Today I have been figuring things out and putting things together. Getting ready to start.

I came up with the idea of tick gauges and last night a thought came to me on how to develop them further. Laminating them and using a grease pencil would improve their usage greatly. They would be reusable and dew proof. The difficulty is in producing all of the individual tick gauges because of the different scales. But once made you have them. Some might think this may be overkill but I like to come up with ways to help me understand and do things. Maybe I will find that I don't need these at all or maybe they will be something helpful in the beginning and that I will out grow the need of.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tick Gauge Iteration

Here is an iteration I just did of my tick gauges. I expanded them. Hopefully to make the more grease pencil friendly. If you study it you can see that there are 2 different scales used. Looks like I might also have to put which chart to use each one with.

Anonymous (not verified)

Yes sir, I do a similar thing for the FOV of my CCD camera for photometry and the video finder I use to navigate star fields. Very helpful technique!!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Standardizing Tick Gauges

I just wrote up some notes for standardizing tick gauges. Should I post them? Is anyone interested?