A new TG version 6.0 is now available.
Version 6.0 – Maintenance and New Capabilities
- Added support for NGC 1252 and NGC 3532
- Error fixes
- Correction to properly handle multiple VPHOT files containing both “True” and “False” measurements of the same star (usually caused when stars are saturated in some images and not others).
- Correction to problem that caused some bright standard stars (brighter than 10th magnitude) to be excluded from calculations
The new version is available at https://www.aavso.org/tg
Hi all,
I'm not having much success with NGC 3532 using the star IDs on the associated VSP plot. I've checked, and re-checked the CSV file, and as far as I can tell, the IDs and formatting are correct (as per the TG V6 user guide instructions for MaxIM DL on page 5). When identifying stars in MaxIM, I'm using the star ID number (eg, "89" or "104") as specified on the VSP plot of the NGC 3532 field. Is that correct?
Also, there is often more than one star in the field with the same numerical VSP ID. MaxIM doesn't allow specifying an object ID that has already been used. Is there a way around this?
I think I've answered my own question(s). It's the full AUID that needs to be specified for star ID?
Right, you need to use the AUID. If you use VPHOT to identify the stars it might be easier. We could Skype if you want me to show you how to use VPHOT to generate the files needed by TG.