CK Vul: a smorgasbord of hydrocarbons rules out a 1670 nova (and much else besides)

Abstract:  We present observations of CK Vul obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope. The infrared spectrum reveals a warm dust continuum with nebular, molecular hydrogen and HCN lines superimposed, together with the "Unidentified Infrared" (UIR) features. The nebular lines are consistent with emission by a low density gas. We conclude that the Spitzer data, combined with other information, are incompatible with CK Vul being a classical nova remnant in "hibernation" after the event of 1670, a "Very Late Thermal Pulse", a "Luminous Red Variable" such as V838 Mon, or a "Diffusion-induced nova". The true nature of CK Vul remains a mystery.

Authors: A. Evans (Astrophysics Group, Keele University), R. D. Gehrz, C. E. Woodward (University of Minnesota), P. J. Sarre (University of Nottingham), J. Th. van Loon (Keele University), L. A. Helton (SOFIA/USRA), S. Starrfield (Arizona State University), S. P. S. Eyres (University of Central Lancashire)

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