SN 2006ej

Special Notice #17: Supernova 2006ej in NGC 191A (Cetus)

August 24, 2006: Daniel W. E. Green, Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams, reports (Central Bureau Electronic Telegram 603) that R. Mostardi, H. Khandrika, and W. Li report the LOSS discovery of an apparent supernova on unfiltered KAIT images taken on Aug. 23.39 UT (at mag 16.4) and 24.38 UT (mag 14.7). A KAIT image taken on Aug. 14.40 UT showed nothing at this position down to limiting mag 19.3.

SN 2006ej, which is offset 6.2" west and 4.6" south of the nucleus of NGC 191A, is located at: R.A. 00:38:59.77 Decl. -09:00:56.6 (2000)