ASI2600 vs SBIG ALUMA2020

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 03/17/2022 - 02:02

Trying to decide on a camera.  A key feature is the system is robotic and runs through ACP scheduler which relies on Maxim to handle the camera.  Candidate Cameras are an ASI2600 and SBIG ALUMA2020.  FL of the system around 2000mm.  Would be looking to bin perhaps 4X on the ASI.  I am new to CMOS complexity but that has some implications.  But, in addition, my understanding is there may be some rough spots trying to use Maxim with ASI CMOS camera, and while the SBIG ALUMA line is made with Maxim in mind, I would imagine many of the features of these cameras would not be accessible via Scheduler, such as the subexpsoure and High dynamic range options, features that perhaps justify the rather high price of that line of cameras.  

Looking for feedback from anyone with insight or experience.  

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
I'd like anything on the Aluma 2020BSI

I've had the SBIG Aluma 2020BSI in my sights as an option for a new camera too.  It seems the perfect photometry camera for a middle focal length setup, but I've yet to see any indication that there's one out in the wild anywhere.  Google searches turn up pretty much nothing about this sensor in actual use.....I'll be following along with interest.  


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Re: GSENSE2020 sensor

The GSENSE2020 sensor in the ALUMA2020 camera has two output channels; each pixel can be processed twice during the readout sequence. The two channels have different gains, providing what GPixel calls "high dynamic range." In theory, this gives a larger dynamic range than the native 12 bits would suggest.

I'm currently working on a major revision to the AAVSO CCD Photometry Guide, and we're trying to decide what to say in the Guide about the use of these 2-channel sensors. I haven't yet found anyone with hands-on photometry experience with them; I also haven't found any published material describing any experiences with the dual-channel architecture for photometry. (There are some questions in my mind about whether our "normal" image calibration pipeline (bias, dark, flat) would have to be modified for a dual-channel camera; does each channel need a dedicated bias/dark/flat sequence? Does each channel get calibrated separately, then the two channels get combined? Or do you combine channels first, then apply calibrations?)

- Mark M (MMU)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Good questions

Given the lack of elaboration in the manual for the camera (SBIG AC2020) it seems a bit of a black-box deal.  This feature has become a common feature of many CMOS cameras and the basis for claiming 16 performance. The article cited above and a little math exercise a friend of mine did suggests 12 works.  The SBIG camera is unique in also offering onboard stacking - 16 - frames.  That seems straightforward enough.  I hope so because that is where we are headed.  It seems like, old-fashioned straightforward CCD's are disappearing or are really expensive. 

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ASI2600 camera

I have the ASI2600 and use it with MaximDL and have no issues with it in Maxim. I use 2x2 binning but just checked and can run 4x4 binning. Message me if you have any other questions about the camera + MaximDL.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Looking to migrate from DSLR to a more advanced Photometry Set-U

Hello Barbara:

First of all, I have seen your Webinar on DSLR Photometry and it is definitely wonderful.

I want to invest in a multi-use camera: something I can use for Astrophotography with a Electronic Filter Wheel, do some defraction gratting, StarAnalyzer 100, Spectroscopy with RSpec software and finally do some Photometry, one step beyond what I have tried with a DSLR, an 80mm f/6 Apochromatic telescope, and a EQ6-R mount. I also have a Celestron C8 Nextstar which I use mostly for Planetary Photography. So I have been saving my pennies for the ZWO ASI2600, and now I am more motivated to go that way seeing that it has worked for you with MaxilDL The pending question would be: what filters should I invest in? 

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)

Hi all,

I use a QHY600M Early Bird CMOS camera since begin of 2021 on a C14 Edge HD at f/7 using MAXIM and CCDCommander. I bin it since a couple of month 4x4 to reduce file size and use it solely for photometry of CBA targets and HADS stars. I have used and still use CCDs on my remote observatory from FLI and I can say that the CMOS in 4x4 binning is about twice as sensitive than the CCD.

If you have questions drop me a mail at m31 (at) telenet (dot) be

Regards, Josch

SBIG Aluma AC2020BSI camera experience ?

Reviving this thread from last March:  is anyone using the SIBG Aluma 2020 camera?  I am interesting in your experience/results, on the forum or via email.

Thank you,   Gary Billings.