Accepted Poster Presentation Guidelines

Congratulations on having your abstract accepted for presentation as a poster at the 112th AAVSO Annual Meeting! On this page, you will find information about deadlines as well as tips for preparing and printing your poster. Please review these instructions carefully. If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Herrington (


  1. Register for the Annual Meeting before Sept. 20, 2023. [Deadline passed]
  2. Create your poster in a single slide in PowerPoint, then save it as a PDF with the filename "[Your last name]_poster23.pptx".
    • Your poster should be 36"×24" in size.
    • Landscape orientation is preferred, as your poster will be projected on a landscape orientation screen when you advertise it to the audience on Saturday morning.
  3. Email your final PDF to Lauren Herrington ( no later than October 16 @ 11:59 p.m. ET.
    • Please use the subject line format "[Your last name]_poster23".
    • Include your name within your email, as well as any contact info which you wish to provide to the public.
  4. Bring a hard copy of your poster to the Annual Meeting. The AAVSO will not be printing any posters.
    • Note that your poster will be displayed on an easel, so it should be rigid; we recommend using a material such as foam core board or cardboard backing.


If you are unable to carry a poster in your luggage, you could could potentially have your poster printed at a local office supply store, and pick it up after you arrive. For example, there is a Staples office supply store about half a kilometer from the hotel (a 10-minute walk). Their address is:

65 Middlesex Ave.
Somerville, MA
Phone: (617) 623-7980

If you intend to have your poster printed locally, please call ahead to confirm that the store will be capable of doing what you need in the timeframe you give them.

Conference Proceedings

You have the option of preparing a full proceedings paper for inclusion in a special "Conference Proceedings" volume—Proceedings of the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Variable Star Observers. Proceedings papers should be submitted to Joyce Guzik ( by December 8, 2023.

Conference proceedings will not be formally refereed, but will be curated and edited by guest editor Joyce Guzik and AAVSO staff. In short, they should be similar to JAAVSO manuscripts in organization, with sections roughly as follows:

  • Introduction giving motivation for the work and background
  • Methods, whether observational or theoretical
  • Results
  • Discussion/conclusions
  • Acknowledgments
  • References in the same format as in JAAVSO: mentioned in the text as (author(s) date) and listed alphabetically at the end

Figures and other graphics are encouraged, but should not be much more extensive than those included in your poster. Conference proceedings should also not include extensive data tables; those should be saved for subsequent publication in an archival journal such as the JAAVSO. Ordinarily, there will be no length limitation, although our staff will request that verbose writing be condensed.