New user to EXOTIC here. I notice that the light curves with better data visualization have intervals on the y-axis (relative flux) of 0.02, whereas the results I get through EXOTIC outputs seem to default to intervals of 0.1. Am I able to adjust this? Does it matter?
Welcome to EXOTIC! That could be because of systemic errors in the observation. Is this from your own observation or from the MicroObservatory, or somewhere like that? Were you running the CoLab version of EXOTIC or running EXOTIC locally?
Hey Anthony. The data is from MicroObservatory and the results were obtained through the colab version of EXOTIC. I have had the same axis interval on EXOTIC output for two different exoplanet datasets.
Could be you got a couple of sets of poor data. What was the weather rating?
100 and 4.0 respectively. Identical relative flux intervals on the output.
Can you hop over to the ExoPlanet Watch Slack Channel Exotic? That would make it easier for me to take a look at the curves.