After I changed my password, I noticed my username - listed under My Account -> View, and shown in emails sent to me - has changed from before the Auth0 switch. The name is now deweyw_43dc37, before it was the same as my forum name. Is this normal and is there a way to change it back?
All the Profile information appears to still be correct on my page.
You should be able to change your username by going to My Account—Profile—Edit your personal information—username box (edit here)
The issue reported by a1chemyst above is a bug related to the new authentication system. You may notice your username on changing somewhat randomly for the next few days until we have a solution in place. As long as your other account information (obscode, name, etc.) are present, your account is correctly linked.
If your other account information is missing, please send an email to and we'll send instructions on how to fix that problem.
Brian Kloppenborg
AAVSO Executive Director