AAVSO Special Notice #159
Request for observations of high-mass X-ray binaries
May 18, 2009
Dr. Gordon Sarty, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, has requested ourcontinuing assistance (see AAVSO Alert Notices 348, 354, 377, AAVSO Special Notices #118, #129, #143) in his ongoing radial velocity observations of High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs). The following text was provided by Dr. Sarty: "Please obtain BVRI photometry (or any subset thereof, VI preferred) of the following four HMXBs: Desig. Name R.A.(2000) Dec.(2000) Mag LPH no. AUID 1930+53 1936+541 19:32:52.3 +53:52:45.5 9.8 115 000-BDC-070 [1H 1936+541] 2027+47 J2030.5+47 20:30:30.9 +47:51:50.7 9.3 123 000-BDC-306 [RX J2030.5+4751] 2157+49 2202+501 22:01:38.2 +50:10:04.6 8.8 127 000-BFS-469 [V2175 Cyg] 2204+54 2206+543 22:07:57.1 +54:31:05.8 9.9 128 000-BDC-531 [V1008 Cep] for the time period of our radial velocity observations from May 29 to June 11. The objective is to obtain simultaneous color photometry and radial velocity measurements of these four objects. Our radial velocity measurements will be done with the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) 1.85-m Plaskett telescope, in Victoria, B.C., Canada. We will alternate observations of the four stars throughout the night. The observer will be Neil Johnson, who can be reached on the AAVSO chat-line during the observations. Interested AAVSO observers should concentrate on one star per night, all night, for as many nights as you can devote, while we are observing. For more background information on the HMXB project, please see our JAAVSO preprint at http://www.aavso.org/publications/ejaavso/v35n2/327.shtml Charts may be downloaded at: http://homepage.usask.ca/~ges125/Astronomy/LPH115_aavso.pdf http://homepage.usask.ca/~ges125/Astronomy/LPH123_aavso.pdf http://homepage.usask.ca/~ges125/Astronomy/LPH127_aavso.pdf http://homepage.usask.ca/~ges125/Astronomy/LPH128_aavso.pdf Please submit your observations directly to the AAVSO International Database. Thanks for your ongoing coverage of the HMXBs. Please direct any questions about this observing campaign to Dr. Gordon Sarty at gordon.sarty@usask.ca ." --------------------------------------------------- SUBMIT OBSERVATIONS TO THE AAVSO Information on submitting observations to the AAVSO may be found at: http://www.aavso.org/observing/submit/ SPECIAL NOTICE ARCHIVE AND SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION A Special Notice archive is available at the following URL: http://www.aavso.org/publications/specialnotice/ Subscribing and Unsubscribing may be done at the following URL: http://www.aavso.org/publications/email/