AAVSO Officers and Council-Arne A. Henden

Honorary Council Member

Arne A. Henden

Former AAVSO Director (2005-2015)

Arne received a Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque in 1972, and Masters in Physics from UNM in 1975. He later went on to receive a Master of Science in Astronomy in 1978 and a Ph.D. in Astronomy in 1985 from the University of Indiana in Bloomington. One of his early research experiences included a summer studying Cepheid pulsations with Art Cox at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

Between the phases in his higher education, Arne worked for Dikewood Industries in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Systems and Applied Sciences Corporation in Seabrook, Maryland. These jobs included working on software and systems development for Federal government contracts. After obtaining his Ph.D., Arne moved to The Ohio State University in Columbus to participate in the Columbus Project (later the Large Binocular Telescope) and to build astronomical instruments for the astronomy department. His instruments included CCD imagers, a spectrograph, a Fabry-Perot imager, and an NIR imager/spectrograph for the 1.8-m Perkins telescope in Flagstaff, Arizona.