Observations needed for four YSO targets being observed with HST
Dr. Frederick Walter (Stony Brook University) requests AAVSO observers' assistance in monitoring four T Tau stars in support of HST observations scheduled for June 16 - 19. As part of the HST ULLYSES program (which is part of the larger ODYSSEUS program), the HST is scheduled to obtain UV spectra of these accreting T Tauri stars. It would be helpful to have BVRI photometry for them in order to help interpret the UV spectra.
Coverage of the four T Tau stars is needed to help interpret the UV spectra obtained by HST.
Requested Data Types:
Name | Magnitude | Variability Type | Photometry Notes | Spectroscopy Notes |
IM Lup | 11.73 | INT |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Not Requested |
Spectroscopy Lines:
No spectroscopy lines provided
Photometry Filters:
No photometry filters provided
Comparison Stars:
No comparison stars provided
Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.
Additional Observer Input:
Not provided
Additional Submission Location:
Not provided
Forum URL
Principal Investigator: Dr. Frederick Walter; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #780)