Alert Notice 711: Nova in Reticulum: MGAB-V207 = N Ret 2020 [YZ Ret]

Note: Nova Ret 2020 has been assigned the GCVS name YZ Ret.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 11 August 2020

July 16, 2020

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Event: Nova in Reticulum: MGAB-V207 = N Ret 2020

Discovered by: Robert H. McNaught (Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia) (via CBET 4811)

Discovery magnitude: unfiltered CCD magnitude 5 (using Canon 6D camera and 8-mm f/2.8 lens) (via CBET 4811)
Discovery date: 2020 July 15.590 UT (via CBET 4811)

Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 03 58 29.55    Decl. -54 46 41.2   (from VSX page for MGAB-V207)

Spectra: E. Aydi et al. (ATel #13867) report that high-resolution spectroscopy obtained on 2020 Jul. 16.17 UT using the High Resolution Spectrograph on the South African Large Telescope (SALT) indicate the object is a classical nova, likely after optical peak.

Also, R. Kaufman (Bright, VIC, Australia) reports a low-resolution spectrum obtained by him on 2020 Jul. 16 UT indicates the object to be a classical nova.

Observing recommendations: Observations of all types (visual, PEP, CCD, DSLR, spectroscopy) and multiple bands as instrumentation permits are strongly encouraged as this bright nova evolves.

Observations reported to the AAVSO:
2020 Jul. 02.183 UT, 16.56 g (ASAS-SN Sky Patrol, via P. Schmeer, Saarbruecken-Bischmisheim, Germany);
02.186, 16.33 g (ASAS-SN, via Schmeer);
04.189, 15.51 g (ASAS-SN, via Schmeer);
15.590, 5 CCD unfiltered (R. McNaught, discovery, via CBET 4811);
15.59, 5.3 (McNaught, via CBET 4811)
15.93125, 4.5 (A. Pearce, Nedlands, WA, Australia);
16.18264, 4.7 (C. da Silva, Luminarias, Brazil);
16.22917, 4.8 (L. Araujo, Pelotas, Brazil);
16.30000, 4.8 (P. Reis Fernandes, Brasilia, Brazil);
16.30903, 5.2 (R. Pereira, Santa Maria, Brazil);
16.32292, 5.0 (J. De Souza Aguiar, Campinas, Brazil);

Note that ASAS-SN observations after July 4 are not included, as they would have been saturated.

Charts: Charts with comparison stars for MGAB-V207 may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP).

Submit observations: Please submit observations using the name MGAB-V207 (or N RET 2020). When a GCVS name is assigned to this nova, please use it when submitting observations.
 - Submit optical observations to the AAVSO International Database using WebObs (see below).
 - Submit spectra to the AAVSO Spectroscopy Database (AVSpec).

a. Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams CBET 4811 (ed. D. W. E. Green) announced the discovery of the object as an apparent nova.

b. Li et al. (ATel #13868) report the detection of MGAB-V207 by Fermi-LAT as a gamma-ray source on 2020 Jul. 10 and on Jul 12-15 UT.

c. R. McNaught reports in CBET 4811 that MGAB-V207 has been previously identified as as VY Scl type cataclysmic variable (range 15.8-18.0V). It is in the Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey as EC 03572-5455.

d. McNaught also notes the eclipsing binary UX Ret (8.1-8.9V) is located nearby at RA 03 57 33.99, Dec. -54 21 26.6 (2000.0).

e. Position end figures provided by R. Fidrich (Budapest, Hungary) from his CCD images: 29.66s, 39.7".

Congratulations to Robert McNaught on this discovery!

This AAVSO Alert Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.

Information on submitting observations to the AAVSO may be found at:


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