Alert Notice 293: 1731-16 Nova Ophiuchi 2002 AND 1424+00 Supernova 2002ao in UGC 9299 (Virgo) AND 0324+43 GK Persei
Alert notice for observations of 1731-16 Nova Ophiuchi 2002, 1424+00 Supernova 2002ao, and 0324+43 GK Persei.
Monitoring of nova and supernova events, as well as monitoring for an outburst of GK Persei, is crucial for correlating with satellite data and for triggering satellite observations.
Requested Data Types:
Spectroscopy, Photometry
Name | Magnitude | Variability Type | Photometry Notes | Spectroscopy Notes |
NSV 1731 | 3.15 | None |
Cadence: Not Specified Precision: 100 |
Cadence: Not Specified Resolution: 250 Desired SNR: 100 |
Spectroscopy Lines:
H-alpha (6563.0 Å)
Photometry Filters:
V (Johnson), r (Sloan)
Comparison Stars:
No comparison stars provided
Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.
Additional Observer Input:
Not provided
Additional Submission Location:
Not provided
Forum URL
Principal Investigator: Janet A. Mattei; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #293)