Alert Notice 195: Symbiotic stars AND Cataclysmic variables AND 1510+83 Z Ursae Minoris
This notice highlights the observation status and recent activities of various symbiotic stars and cataclysmic variables, including AG Draconis, CH Cygni, PU Vulpeculae, YY Herculis, U Geminorum, VW Hydri, and Z Ursae Minoris. The stars have been monitored extensively, providing crucial data on their variabilities and outbursts. Additionally, Z UMi has been reclassified as an R Coronae Borealis star.
The observations of these variable stars provide essential data for understanding their behaviors and outbursts. Continuous monitoring supports space telescope missions and helps characterize stellar phases.
Requested Data Types:
Spectroscopy Lines:
H-alpha (6563.0 Å)
Photometry Filters:
B (Johnson), V (Johnson)
Comparison Stars:
No comparison stars provided
Observers are not eligible for co-authorship.
Additional Observer Input:
Not provided
Additional Submission Location:
Not provided
Forum URL
Principal Investigator: Janet A. Mattei; Imported Campaign (Alert Notice #195)