Visually observed stars known to be constant or not measurably variable

The following is a list of stars present in the VSX catalog as of 2013 March 7 that are known or suspected of being constant and have been visually observed in the past.  You should not observe these stars anymore; if they are a part of your visual observing program, please remove them immediately.

The list is divided into three parts: named variables first, followed by NSV stars, and then a small number of GSC stars.  In the case of the GSC stars, these are primarily previously used comparison stars suspected of being variable at some time in the past.

Again, these stars should not be observed.  Please remove them from your visual observing program.

Named Variables Known or Suspected of being constant

AUID VSX type Name # visual observations
000-BCR-245 CST RZ And 1672
000-BCT-503 CST VZ And 128
000-BBB-799 CST: DZ And 14024
000-BBC-618 CST: EK And 2443
000-BCT-557 CST R Ant 70
000-BCT-562 CST R Aps 2186
000-BCK-863 CST RW Aql 3161
000-BCT-813 CST RR Ari 1121
000-BBH-703 CST TY Aur 290
000-BBK-893 CST: VZ Aur 1136
000-BCT-865 CST: AV Aur 248
000-BDB-310 CST: X Boo 11
000-BCT-907 CST: Y Boo 882
000-BBV-701 CST: RY Boo 2842
000-BBV-350 CST: UV Boo 4944
000-BDB-307 CST: UX Boo 39
000-BBP-167 CST: RV Cnc 1915
000-BCV-006 CST X CVn 6
000-BBM-936 CST T CMa 322
000-BCV-077 CST: S Cap 9
000-BCV-098 CST T Car 1315
000-BBC-486 CST: RU Cas 441
000-BBC-699 CST V0538 Cas 150
000-BBB-937 CST: alf Cas 7246
000-BCV-315 CST V0418 Cen 1
000-BCS-126 CST: V Cep 5964
000-BBC-094 CST: RX Cep 12299
000-BDL-434 CST V0367 Cep 17
000-BBD-202 CST: VW Cet 18
000-BCV-458 CST S Cha 1985
000-BCV-546 CST: RX CrB 38
000-BCK-793 CST RX Cyg 598
000-BCV-607 CST UU Cyg 615
000-BDN-292 CST: YZ Cyg 5
000-BCN-710 CST CE Cyg 1737
000-BCV-619 CST CF Cyg 31
000-BCP-098 CST CP Cyg 883
000-BCV-621 CST: CQ Cyg 40
000-BCV-650 CST: V0368 Cyg 32
000-BCV-824 CST: LU Del 791
000-BCV-846 CST: ST Dra 1
000-BBZ-825 CST UW Dra 4195
000-BBZ-761 CST: UY Dra 1027
000-BBY-765 CST VW Dra 2656
000-BBW-430 CST: VY Dra 502
000-BCV-880 CST LT Dra 411
000-BBH-633 CST: R Eri 916
000-BBF-432 CST CU Eri 24
000-BCV-912 CST: S For 481
000-BBM-527 CST Z Gem 897
000-BBM-501 CST: TW Gem 1849
000-BDQ-745 CST: XZ Gem 1
000-BBX-813 CST: Y Her 116
000-BCV-986 CST: RW Her 18
000-BBX-750 CST: TZ Her 752
000-BBX-694 CST UY Her 683
000-BCW-011 CST NQ Her 753
000-BCW-021 CST: V0433 Her 8
000-BBX-670 CST V0840 Her 2109
000-BDR-895 CST RR Hor 1
000-BBD-299 CST: eta 1 Hyi 112
000-BCW-459 CST EF Mus 85
000-BCW-580 CST: CI Ori 1053
000-BBJ-451 CST CK Ori 11591
000-BFS-626 CST IU Ori 4183
000-BCW-665 CST: DP Pav 59
000-BCP-953 CST RY Peg 727
000-BCP-978 CST: SZ Peg 681
000-BCW-675 CST UV Peg 354
000-BCW-866 CST: T PsA 3
000-BCW-871 CST: pi PsA 82
000-BCW-873 CST S Pup 113
000-BBN-720 CST T Pup 14
000-BBN-224 CST RY Pup 342
000-BBN-668 CST RZ Pup 213
000-BCW-924 CST U Pyx 6
000-BFD-435 CST EL Sge 265
000-BFD-486 CST HI Sge 11
000-BCW-975 CST V Sgr 15
000-BCX-009 CST V0355 Sgr 7
000-BBZ-692 CST TX Sco 157
000-BBZ-194 CST V0449 Sco 887
000-BCX-179 CST: W Scl 294
000-BBB-934 CST: Z Scl 317
000-BBB-697 CST RR Scl 1725
000-BCC-968 CST: RR Sct 107
000-BFL-920 CST ZZ Ser 1
000-BCX-230 CST MQ Ser 32
000-BBG-896 CST U Tau 108
000-BCX-252 CST X Tau 113
000-BBK-291 CST RS Tau 473
000-BCZ-129 CST RT Tau 1
000-BCY-953 CST EP Tau 130
000-BCX-300 CST V1081 Tau 618
000-BCK-558 CST: S Tel 2832
000-BCX-361 CST: T TrA 1264
000-BCX-402 CST SY UMa 888
000-BFN-996 CST: WZ UMa 3
000-BFS-877 CST: R Vel 49
000-BCX-502 CST: X Vir 79
000-BCX-504 CST RX Vir 230
000-BCX-505 CST: RZ Vir 266
000-BCX-547 CST RT Vul 45
000-BCN-138 CST: VZ Vul 2245

NSV Stars Known or Suspected of bring Constant

000-BJJ-601 CST NSV 38 1
000-BBB-770 CST NSV 189 83
000-BBB-795 CST NSV 193 1622
000-BBD-608 CST: NSV 751 106
000-BCX-628 CST: NSV 786 148
000-BBF-558 CST NSV 948 66
000-BBG-200 CST NSV 1280 2840
000-BBJ-830 CST NSV 2511 1
000-BBK-058 CST NSV 2599 156
000-BBK-176 CST NSV 2628 49
000-BCZ-332 CST NSV 2695 1
000-BCZ-366 CST NSV 2831 3
000-BBM-082 CST NSV 3290 77
000-BBM-247 CST: NSV 3330 44
000-BBN-309 CST NSV 3643 52
000-BBN-895 CST NSV 3808 50
000-BBQ-079 CST NSV 4316 40
000-BCZ-805 CST NSV 4584 8
000-BBQ-832 CST NSV 4637 329
000-BCX-819 CST NSV 5195 38
000-BDB-039 CST NSV 5475 41
000-BCX-824 CST NSV 5543 294
000-BBV-426 CST NSV 6687 2013
000-BBW-808 CST NSV 7378 1160
000-BCX-895 CST NSV 11235 91
000-BCF-127 CST NSV 11707 467
000-BCM-234 CST NSV 13242 182
000-BDC-406 CST NSV 13562 4
000-BCP-689 CST NSV 13987 50
000-BCP-741 CST NSV 13994 78
000-BCQ-440 CST NSV 14156 18
000-BCR-668 CST: NSV 14607 1514
000-BCR-962 CST NSV 14707 416
000-BFS-949 CST NSV 15108 345
000-BBD-137 CST: NSV 15340 236
000-BBD-453 CST NSV 15440 41
000-BBG-780 CST NSV 15948 1
000-BCY-017 CST: NSV 15993 31
000-BCY-055 CST: NSV 16301 30
000-BBK-649 CST: NSV 16765 233
000-BBK-981 CST NSV 16812 446
000-BCS-361 CST NSV 16823 35
000-BCS-364 CST NSV 16825 31
000-BBM-639 CST NSV 17370 24
000-BBM-644 CST: NSV 17372 45
000-BBN-265 CST NSV 17501 70
000-BCY-192 CST NSV 17775 249
000-BJP-487 CST NSV 17813 40
000-BBQ-861 CST: NSV 18281 39
000-BBQ-902 CST NSV 18284 344
000-BBX-556 CST NSV 20653 285
000-BBY-920 CST NSV 21718 77
000-BDB-762 CST NSV 24270 5
000-BDC-421 CST NSV 25521 91

GSC/Suspect Comparison stars known to be constant

000-BBC-585 CST GSC 02804-00726 14
000-BBH-835 CST GSC 05913-00377 7
000-BCZ-325 CST GSC 01312-02654 10
000-BCZ-756 CST GSC 01397-00509 83
000-BDC-273 CST GSC 01643-01984 25