Honorary Membership

Recipients of AAVSO Honorary Membership since 1974

2014 - Howard J. Landis (AAVSO, Lake Spivey, California) [full text of citation] [image of certificate]
2014 - Kevin B. Marvel (AAVSO; vice-president, American Astronomical Society) [full text of citation] [image of certificate]
2011 - Georg Comello (AAVSO; Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Weer-en Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren)
2011 - Albert F. A. L. Jones, OBE (AAVSO; Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand; Variable Stars South)
2009 - Charles E. Scovil (AAVSO, Stamford Observatory, Stamford, Connecticut)
2008 - Roger D. Pickard (Director, Variable Star Section, British Astronomical Association)
2007 - Thomas F. Droege (AAVSO, Batavia, Illinois)
1986 - Frank M. Bateson, OBE (Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand)
1986 - E. Dorrit Hoffleit (AAVSO president; Harvard College Observatory; Yale University; Maria Mitchell Observatory)
1974 - Margaret W. Mayall (AAVSO director)

Complete List of Recipients of AAVSO Honorary Membership

Bailey, Solon I. (Harvard College Observatory; 1918)
Bateson, Frank M., OBE (Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand; 1986)
Bemporad, Azeglio (director, Reale Osservatoria Astronomico di Napoli; 1918)
Bouton, Rev. Tilton C. H. (AAVSO, Hudson, New Hampshire and St. Petersburg, Florida; 1947)
Brook Charles L. (director, Variable Star Section, British Astronomical Association; 1918)
Brown, A. N. (Variable Star Section, British Astronomical Association; 1928)
Brown, Ernest W. (AAVSO president; Yale University; 1929)
Cannon, Annie Jump (Harvard College Observatory; 1918)
Chandra, Radha Gobinda (AAVSO; Bagchar, Jessore, India; 1947)
Comello, Georg (AAVSO; Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Weer-en Sterrenkunde,
    Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren; 2011)
de Kock, Reginald P. (AAVSO; Royal Observatory, Observatory Cape, South Africa; 1946)
Droege, Thomas F. (AAVSO; Batavia, Illinois; 2007)
de Roy, Felix (director, Variable Star Section, British Astronomical Association; Societe d'Astronomie d'Anvers; 1928)
Dugan, Raymond S. (Princeton University; 1934)
Fisher, Clyde (Curator, Department of Astronomy, American Museum of Natural History)
Gingrich, Curvin H. (editor, Popular Astronomy; 1950)
Grouiller, H. H. (Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV); Lyon Observatory; 1932)
Hagen, Rev. Johann Georg (Georgetown College Observatory; Vatican Observatory; 1917)
Hale, George E. (Mt. Wilson Observatory)
Hertzsprung, Ejnar (Gottingen Observatory; 1927)
Hoffleit, E. Dorrit (AAVSOpPresident; Harvard College Observatory; Yale University; Maria Mitchell Observatory; 1986)
Jones, Albert F. A. L., OBE (AAVSO; Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand; Variable Stars South; 2011)
Kearons, Rev. William M. (AAVSO, West Bridgewater, Massachusetts)
Lacchini, Giovanni B. (AAVSO, Faenza, Italy; 1952)
Landis, Howard J. (AAVSO, Lake Spivey, California; 2014) [Full text of citation] [image of certificate]
Leavitt, Henrietta S. (Harvard College Observatory; 1918)
Lindley, William M. (chairman, Variable Star Section, British Astronomical Association)
Marvel, Kevin B. (AAVSO; vice-president, American Astronomical Society; 2014) [Full text of citation] [image of certificate]
Mayall, Margaret W. (AAVSO director; 1974)
Merrill, Paul W. (Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatory; 1922)
Mitchell, Samuel A. (Leander McCormick Observatory; 1918)
Olivier, Charles P. (Flower Observatory; 1967)
Parkhurst, John A. (AAVSO; Yerkes Observatory; 1917)
Peltier, Leslie C. (AAVSO, Delphos, Ohio)
Pickard, Roger D. (director, Variable Star Section, British Astronomical Association; 2008)
Pickering, Edward C. (director, Harvard College Observatory; 1917)
Prager, Richard (Berlin-Babelsberg Observatory; 1940)
Russell, Henry Norris (Princeton University Observatory)
Scovil, Charles E. (AAVSO; Stamford Observatory, Stamford, Connecticut; 2009)
Shapley, Harlow (director, Harvard College Observatory; 1919)
Turner, H. H. (Oxford University)
Wilson, Herbert C. (editor, Popular Astronomy; 1918)