eps Aur Abstract: Stencel

epsilon Aurigae—An Overview of the 2009–2011 Eclipse Campaign Results


Robert E. Stencel

University of Denver, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2112 E. Wesley Avenue, Denver, CO 80208

Received March 19, 2012; revised May 30, 2012; accepted June 19, 2012


Evidence is provided from the array of observations amassed during the recent eclipse, that defines the enigmatic binary e Aurigae as comprised of an unstable F0-1 Iab star, in orbit around a comparable mass upper main sequence star (or stars) enshrouded in a disk resulting from F star mass loss. In this picture, the F star may be undergoing rapid evolutionary changes, and the recent 67-day primary quasi-period may make it suitable for asteroseismic studies. The hidden star(s) may have gained mass from the F star, and the disk itself provides opportunities for study of accretion, dust evolution and dynamics.